
AR Promotional Poster

Augmented Reality Poster

This AR poster serves as a means of personal promotion.


The Challenge

When concepting this self promotional poster, I thought a lot about the “reveal” aspect of AR. How could I intrigue and appeal to viewers to use their phone and engage with my poster in a meaningful and impactful way that not only educates the user about me, but also motivates them to re-engage with and tell their friends to engage with my poster.

Beginning abstract

Beginning abstract

Intermediary frame in AR triggered animation

Intermediary frame in AR triggered animation

Resulting natural portrait viewed through phone

Resulting natural portrait viewed through phone


The Story & Solution

In thinking about how this is a personal promotion poster and an opportunity for viewers to “get to know me”, I decided to create a cubist-style self portrait as the still image for my poster. The abstract hit two of my goals with my promotional poster, the first being it creates intrigue and drives users to spend more time with it and second, it affords the perfect opportunity for AR creating a dynamic and engaging “reveal”.

I thought about how getting to know some one is a process and a journey, what you first see often isn’t what you get, you might miss some of the nuances and special things about some one on the first encounter. I used the AR reveal to capture this sentiment. In taking an abstracted portrait and morphing it into a more natural portrait, I mimicked the act of getting to know some one better and learning about their personality.